Programme SAP RWBBINI_HPR_ALV - Assortment List: Initialization and Full Version (HPR)

Report RWBBINI_HPR (transaction WDBI_HPR) is used to send full versionsof assortment lists to the selected stores, therefore initializing thestores for supply with change versions. The report is a replacement fortransaction WDBI (report RWDBBINI), designed for performance reasons.

Decide on one of the two possible assortment lists to use. If you do notexperience any problems with performance and resources when usingtransactions WDBI, WDBU and WDBM, continue to use these transactions. Ifyou do experience problems with these transactions, however, usetranactions WDBI_HPR, WDBU_HPR and WDBM_HPR instead.

The systems that process IDocs must be able to process the new IDoctypes WBBDLD04.
Unlike for the IDoc types WBBDLD01 to WBBDLD03, the header segments andall their subsegments are not repeated for time-dependent data in theIDoc, but instead, the individual segments that contain thetime-dependent data are repeated for a new validity date.

Report RWBBINI_HPR is designed to distribute the workload amongstseveral processes. You should therefore use parallel processing and setthe relevant indicator on the selection screen. In this case, thematerials and the stores are divided into work packets and each workpacket is processed by a separate process. This process then generatesthe IDocs for all stores and materials in the work packet. You can setthe size of the work packet on the selection screen.
Report RWBBINI_HPR prepares the most important data for the assortmentlist, however, not all data that can be sent by report RWDBBINI.

Enter a distribution chain and as many stores as you want that belong tothis distribution chain.
If your selection contains several stores and you know that allmaterials are the same price in these stores, set the "Prices Are NotStore-Specific" indicator.

The report produces a list of the IDocs generated. Visual assortmentlists that you can display and print using transaction WBBS aregenerated from the IDocs by starting transaction WBBV_HPR.

Make the Customizing settings for the assortment list before you startthe report.

You have opened a new store and now want to supply it once with the datafor the whole assortment. To do this, you start transaction WDBI_HPR forthe store and then use transaction WDBU_HPR periodically for the changedownload.