Programme SAP RWAUREGE - Generate Allocation Rules Using RIS Data

This report is used to generate allocation rules using planning data oractual data from the Retail Information System.
You determine which data from the RIS is used by entering key figurecategories. These are created in Customizing in the steps forallocation rules. Key figure categories contain the informationstructure and key figure fields in the information structure that areto be used in the analysis for allocation rule generation.
You select RIS data by entering a plant group for which the allocationrule is to be created for the plants in the group, the period of theanalysis (the date type of the period depends on the periodicity of theinformation structure entered in the key figure category) and theselected MG hierarchy level (either material, material group, hierarchylevel 1 or 2).
The RIS data retrieved is used in one of two ways in allocation rules.If you choose to generate using plant quotas, the RIS values are copiedfor each plant to the quota field of the allocation rule. How thesystem interprets the quota values depends on the quota categorydefined for the allocation rule type. If you choose to generate usingplant quotas, you can choose between the quota categories 'ratio','fixed quantity average' and 'fixed quantity total'. If you choose togenerate using allocation categories (the second way in which RIS datacan be used), you must have created model allocation rules previously(see Allocation rule creation). Model allocation rules are used togroup together plants independent of the values for their key figuresin the RIS. In the generated rule, the plants are allocated a value forthe allocation category they are in in the model allocation rule. Theallocation category is taken from the model allocation rule. In thiscase only the category "ratio" is possible. The allocation rules to beused are determined automatically. The system searches for modelallocation rules for the hierarchy level entered. Note: modelallocation rules contain no plants or plant groups.
The RIS data is determined using function moduleMCW_GET_VALUES_FROM_INFOSTRUCT. Access is controlled via selectionvariants. You can create selection variants by choosing 'Alloc rule ->Create selection variants' or in the Customizing step for definingselection variants.

307711Collective note on performance of allocation table