Programme SAP RWARC012 - Archiving: Deleting Assortment Modules

This report physically deletes all archived data from the database.
The deletion program can be triggered automatically after the reportthat creates the log file. Alternatively, it can be triggered manuallywhen an archive file is selected. The deletion program can run in twoways: on the one hand, a test run can be triggered that only containsthe data records to be deleted in a log. Alternatively, you can triggeran updated run which deletes the records in the archive file.

Before being able to delete the data, you must deselect the 'Deletionrun in test mode' flag. When triggering the report automatically afterthe archiving program, the flag 'Deletion run in test mode' must beselected.

The deletion program creates a detailed list of all the records deletedfrom the database.