Programme SAP RWAKT220 - Promotion Listing

You can list promotion materials in the background processing usingreport "RWAKT220". The report functionality is the same as transaction"WAK5".


  • The promotion period should not have ended

  • At least one plant group should be assigned to the promotion
  • Features

    • You can run a listing for a selected promotion

    • If you have assigned manual modules to the promotion, you can limit the
    • listing to individual modules. If you do not select any modules, thenthe listing is carried out for all the modules in the promotion
      • If you do not assign manual modules to the promotion, you automatically
      • generate modules for the listing. You can limit the promotion materialsto material number, promotion theme or material group. If you do notselect any promotion material, the system carries out the listing forall the items that are not yet listed.