Programme SAP RWAKT210 - Promotion Allocation Table Generation

You use report "RWAKT210" to generate a promotion allocation table inthe background. This has the same functionality as transaction "WAK5".


  • The promotion period must not have exired.

  • At least one plant group must be assigned to the promotion.
  • Features

    • You can generate an allocation table for the selected promotion.

    • You can restrict the promotional materials for which an allocation
    • table is to be generated. If you do not enter any selection criteriafor the materials, an allocation is generated for all the materialsinvolved in the promotion.
      • You can select whether

      • the allocation table is to be generated with an allocation rule or anallocation strategy
        the allocation table is to be generated with the entered plantquantities
        or the allocation table is to be simulated using an allocation rule oran allocation strategy.