Programme SAP RWAKT100 - Conversion of promotion advertising media to product catalogs

Up to Release 4.5, promotion advertising media that were created withthe transaction for changing a promotion (WAK2) could not be displayedor changed using the transactions for product catalog maintenance(WWM2, WWM3).
From Release 4.6, promotion advertising media is also maintained usingtransactions "WWM1", "WWM2" and "WWM3".
It is therefore necessary to convert advertising media created for apromotion in an earlier release.

In the selection screen, you can define the advertising media that areto be converted. You enter the most important advertising media headerdata in the selection screen as well.
A layout area is created in the new product catalog for each page thatwas entered for an advertising medium and the items are adopted in theappropriate layout areas. All long texts and document links are adoptedalong with the items.
The conversion to product catalogs for a promotion takes place in adatabase transaction. If errors occur during conversion, the changesthat were already carried out for the promotion are reset.
You can carry out a test run for the program. In this case, the changesare not made to the database.
You can create a log containing a list of the converted advertisingmedia and any errors that occurred.