Programme SAP RVV50R10A - Deliver Documents Due for Delivery and Display Deliveries

Documents due for delivery.
User-specific settings
New functions in Release 4.6C
New functions in Release 4.6A.

Documents are selected according to specific criteria.

  • They are used for processing orders that are due for delivery.

  • Deliveries can also be selected.

  • These can be deliveries that already exist for the sales orders
    and/or deliveries that were selected using other criteria. This is anindependent transaction and can be executed without the sales order orpurchase orders.
    Documents (such as sales orders or purchase orders) are analyzed ordelivered after their planned delivery creation time.
    The analysis creates an overview of the upcoming shipping workload andallows you to change the planned outbound delivery situation manually inthe selected delivery list. You can use this function for the followingprocedures, for example:
    • Manual selection of documents due for delivery from a larger delivery
    • list
      • Manual specification of the actual quantities to be delivered
      • (scheduling agreement item, for instance)
        • Introductory phase for setting automated creation of outbound deliveries

        • Collective delivery of multiple documents in one processing step isespecially useful if:
          • Delivery occurs regularly in the background. You can define rules for
          • this delivery in a list profile. The system then works through theserules at regular intervals.
            • If more time passes between the initial transaction (sales order,
            • purchase order) and the actual outbound delivery (picking, shipmentcompletion) than is necessary for picking and transportation planning
              • if several orders for one ship-to party should be put together in one
              • delivery.

                Delivery of documents (orders) via the delivery list is integrated inthe following Logistics supply chains:

                • Sales order - ,,Delivery - Picking - Shipment - Billing document

                • Purchase order - ,,,,Delivery - Picking - Shipment - Billing document/
                • Self-billing
                  Creation of the outbound delivery is the central element for outboundshipment of goods and services.

                  All documents that are planned for delivery are taken into account. Inother words, a delivery list is created. In Release 4.6A, thesedocuments are either sales orders or purchase orders.
                  For sales orders, for example, the availability check must haveconfirmed a quantity and the conditions for creation ofthe delivery list must also be met.

                  Select the delivery list according to the criteria of your choice.
                  The user role (list profile) dictates which of the selection criteria isactive. As an example, selection criteria that is only relevant forpurchase orders is only available for entry when purchase orders are tobe selected.
                  Validity of selection criteria

                  • The general selection criteria (tab page General data

                  • ) restricts the number of sales orders and purchase orders found.
                    • The selection criteria for sales orders (tab page sales orders)
                    • restricts the number of sales orders found.
                      • The selection criteria for purchase orders (tab page purchase orders

                      • ) restricts the number of purchase orders found.
                        • The selection criteria for deliveries (1 or 3 tab pages deliveries

                        • ) restricts the number of deliveries used. Note that selectingdeliveries for the sales orders is automatically activated via theswitch Selection in the user role (list profile) tab page.This procedure is maintained for reasons of upward compatibility. Youtherefore, have the option of making entries in the deliveries
                          tab page. You can deactivate automatic selection of deliveries tothe sales orders (No Deliveries to Predecessor) and include additionaldeliveries in the list (CompleteDeliveries). You can add amaximum of 3 further selection criteria to the deliveries, for example:delivery header, delivery status, delivery item, group of deliveries ora shipment.
                          • Selecting by material (tab page Material) restricts the sales
                          • orders and purchase orders.
                            • Selecting by partner (tab page Partner) restricts the sales
                            • orders and deliveries.
                              • The user role details apply for the whole transaction and are used as
                              • control parameters in the process context.
                                The delivery creation date selection criterion limits thedocuments due for delivery according to the date on which they areplanned for delivery.
                                • This planning is a result of delivery scheduling when the sales order or
                                • purchase order was processed.
                                  • When this transaction is called up, the selection date is a default
                                  • value calculated according to a rule thatwas specifiedlist profile.
                                    • Use the smallest possible interval in performance-critical systems.

                                    • In performance-critical systems, make sure that the fewest possible
                                    • documents overdue for delivery exist in the system. For sales orders,you can process overdue documents in the sales menu environment.
                                      You can use selection criteria on theschedule line level (goods issuetime, route schedule, planned delivery creation date, geographicalroute) to:
                                      • Find documents that contain items with schedule lines to which the
                                      • criteria apply
                                        • Calculate the quantity default for the delivery quantity by using only
                                        • the schedule lines that match the selection criteria. Completion of theorder item always occurs for the oldest open schedule line.

                                          Standard variants for selection are implemented using delivery scenarios(different call-up methods for selection screen) and list profiles(entry in sub-screen of list profile selection screen).

                                          Depending on the F code profilespecification one of the following occurs in the list profile:

                                          • A list of all documents due for delivery appears or is printed

                                          • Documents due for delivery are delivered immediately. In other words,
                                          • the delivery is created and the subseuqent activities (output, picking,statistics, batch determination,...) are triggered in the system.

                                            For daily use, choose the desired selection criteria for your deliveryscenario.
                                            For specific list output requirements, change the list profile entriesas necessary. You are advised to do this in the test system. You shouldonly use tested user roles in the productive system, that no longerallow you to override the user role entries in the selection screen. InCustomizing for the scenario (transaction VL10CUV) you can set whetherthe default user role for the scenario my be replaced in the selectionscreen. If you carrry out this task as a system adminstrator withCustomizing authorization, you can enter in the user role (transactionVL10CUA) whether the user role entries may be overwritten in theselection screen. Use these options in the test system and set up rolesand report variants for each user that requires these for his dailywork. However, do not allow the user role attributes to be overwrittenin the selection screen during day-to-day operations.
                                            You can predefine specific values and selection criteria in the userrole attributes for each user in every scenario.
                                            For more information see: user-specificsettings.

                                            Automatic processing of the delivery list
                                            In the implementation phase of automatic processing of the delivery list(automatic creation of deliveries via scheduling in a backgroundprogram: batch job), it is advisable to override the list profilesettings in the selection screen. Vary the entries until the listdisplay (with subsequent delivery in the background and no other listmodifications) results on delivery of the desired part of the deliverylist.
                                            Choose an F code profile for displaying the deliverylist in the list profile.
                                            Once you know all the required list profile parameters from the entries,define a corresponding list profile in Customizing. After testing thelist output, if you are sure that the correct part of the list isdelivered, assign an F code profile for background processing to thelist profile.
                                            Create a selection varaint for this selection report with thecorresponding list profile (on the selection screen, choose Goto ->Variants -> Save as a variant).
                                            Schedule this selection report using the menu forbackground processing.


                                            Delivery scenario
                                            The delivery scenarios predefined in the system can be found underLogistics Execution -> Goods issue process -> Outbound deliveries ->Create -> Collective processing of documents due for delivery. A listprofile can be assigned for each delivery scenario inCustomizing. This determines processing of the delivery due list indetail. It also specifies the selection screen display, in particularwhenther tab strips are used and if so, how many.

                                            List profile
                                            The list profile is found using the delivery scenario and can be changedmanually in the selection screen for documents due for shipping orindividual attributes can be overwritten.

                                            User-specific default scenario
                                            You can enter a default delivery scenario and a default list profile foreach user, that is called up from the menu or via transaction VL10.Set the user parameters LE_VL10_SZENARIO andLE_VL10_PROFIL.

739108General usability of Transaction VL10
643279VL10: Program termination with error message VR555
636512VL10: Incorrect tooltip for bttn "Collective processing log"
602555VL10: Runtime error GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED
397856VL10: Call Transaction not provided for
524424VL10: Transfer customer-specific selection criteria
428489VL10: Dump 'DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUND' with background job
364965VL10: Selection variants invalid after Note 360380
370442VL10: short text lost during variant maintenance
305111VL10: Names are missing on selection screen