Programme SAP RVV05IVB - Reorganization of SD Document Indices

Report for Reorganization of Sales Indexes

Index tables are used in sales and distribution to set up work lists(shipping due date index, billing index, transportation planning index)or to enable fast access to sales documents according to specificcriteria, for example for issuing lists.
If entries in these index tables are incorrect for one or more of thesales documents, it is recommended that you use the report to correctthe entries:

  • Documents appear in worklists, although they should not appear there.

  • Documents are not in worklists, although they should be there according
  • to their processing status.
    • The selection of documents for sales and distribution lists does not
    • find the documents, although they should be displayed in the list.
      Further information on the prerequisites and restrictions for usingreport RVV05IVB can be found in the OSS note 128947. You canalso find recommendations for choosing selection criteria.

371675List billing documents without pro-forma invoices
25026VF04: Selection by payer
25147VF04 : Selection by payer
194334Correction report: Actual goods issue date delivery
1409365VF11: Billing due list is not reset correctly
558444Cross company: Delivery has incorrect billing status (2)
178328Problems due to incorrect user exits in SD
152395Archiving of deliveries relevant for shipment
128947Correction of SD document indexes with RVV05IVB
386370Check report for the billing due list (billing index)
79193List of open quotations seems incomplete
547277FAQ: Requirements in SD and in the delivery
33267SDRQCR21 cancels with duplicate record
705317Performance credit master data (FD32) and RFDKLI20
411653Billing documents are not displayed in the web shop.
30737Credit limit, RFDKLI20, performance problems
505386No display of net values and currencies in VF04
628185Delivery selection shipment- actual goods issue date ignored
576627VL10: Documents are not displayed in the log
573632Incorrect billing due list for orders with billing plan
319239Delivery selected several times for shipment
555851Long runtimes during display of sales summary
504397OIL SSR OIFPBL archiving performance
497803Incorrect VKDFS entry proposed in diff. invoice cancelation
439085RFDKLI20 does not update contracts
134939Correction report doc. flow for delivery w. a $-no.
301254Creation of billing index
386396Error in the billing due list of deliveries
107049Billing due list for blocked order items
356061Incorrect index compilation caused by own checks
332435Incomplete billing due list after RVV05IVB (2)
136909Invalid date in the SD index tables
323062Incomplete billing due list after RVV05IVB
301561No selection of deliveries with personnel number
314239Deliveries without forwarding agent are selected
306998Perfrmnc delivery monitor selection sold-to party II
216084Performance delivery monitor selction sold-to party
203395Sales area in the worklist intercompany billing
202260Partner and material index for inbound deliveries
103212Bad performance during SD document update
7238VL04: Error during the shipping index determination