Programme SAP RVSCD100 - Display Document Changes

The report RVSCD100 displays the changes made to a sales document.

The following lists are issued:
Overview list : Date, Changed by, Object, and Action
Detail list : Object, Action und Value / Technical info : Table, Field, Changed by, Time of change, Transaction
Statistics : Group making changes, Number of actions
The overview and detail list can be sorted by time or documentstructure. From the overview list you can press F2 and use the lineselection to display the detailed display for document changes.The scope of the list is controlled by the position of the cursor.
If the cursor is positioned in the second (ItmNo.) or third (SchLnNo.)column, the system displays all changes made to the document header,item or schedule line. If the cursor is positioned in another column,the system only displays the details for the change selected.

747469Conversion to SAP List Viewer - ERP Operations ECC 5.00
351841Change documents seem to be deleted II
326649Change documents appear to be deleted