Programme SAP RVKVBFA1 - Correction Program VBFA: Delete Incorrect Delivery Flow Records

The program checks whether delivery items exist for the flow recordsthat were caused by deliveries for orders. If this is not the case, and
a productive run is carried out, a log is created and the relevant flowrecord is deleted.
You can limit the selection criteria to a range of sales orders.Remember though, that after the first archiving of deliveries thisreport may only be used for specific sales orders, because a deliverycan be archived before the corresponding sales order, yet the flow forthe order needs to remain. The report would erroneously delete theseflow records.
The sales orders involved must be changed (VA02) subsequently. Selectthe item involved and save the transaction without any change. Thisupdates the status of the order item, based on the changed flow.
Enter as a parameter, if you are carrying out a test run or aproduction run.