Programme SAP RVHURL_MATCH_SINGLE - Initial screen for matching for an individual RP account

You can use this report to match returnable packaging accounts. Duringaccount matching, the system compares the account postings made in yoursystem with the statement transactions you have received. When theymatch, the system marks them accordingly. By entering selectioncriteria for account postings and statement transactions, you canrestrict the worklist for account matching.
As opposed to the report "Matching via Statements", which only workswith account statements that are in the system (received via EDI), youcan use this matching function for account statements that only existon paper.
If the account statement transactions are in the system (received via
EDI), they are listed together with the account postings in thematching dialog.
If they only exist on paper, only the postings are listed in thematching dialog. In this case, you carry out matching by checking theposting in the system and the account statement transactions on paper.
The following entries have to be made for selection:

  • The returnable packaging account number specifies the account for which
  • matching is to be carried out.
    • You can restrict which posting items are to be selected and displayed
    • in the matching dialog for this RP account.
      You can restrict according to the posting date, for example, or selectall posting records which have not been matched yet, using the matchingstatus.
      • You can restrict which account statement transactions you want to take
      • part in account matching.
        If you only have account statements on paper, no entries have to bemade here. If, however, there are account statements which you havereceived via EDI in your system, you can specify here, which accountstatements are to be processed.

        Only account statements which have been assigned to a returnablepackaging account can be processed with this report.
        New account statements received via EDI should only be processed usingthe report "Matching via Statements", which enables you to determine RPaccounts and reprocess account statements in case errors have occurred.