Programme SAP RVHURL005 - Archiving for account postings: Create archive file

You use this report to archive account postings, or account postingheaders (table RLACPOHD) and account posting records (tableRLACPOIT). The report writes the data to an archive file.
You have two options for archiving the data: archive all postings orarchive only matched postings. You can restrict the range of data to bearchived by entering a posting period. The system calculates theearliest possible archiving time or key date via residence times.
Process flow of archiving: The account posting headers are preselected(by time or key date) in packets of 100 records. The system then readsthe posting items. The returnable packaging accounts to which thesepostings belong are locked for parallel account matching and unlockedagain before the system reads the next data packet.
The system archives the postings. A posting can only be archived if allof its items can also be archived. If an item is locked by an activeaccount matching, the system does not archive the posting.
In each archiving record (consisting of one posting header and one ormore posting records) the system records information on, for example,the returnable packaging accounts, partner relationship data andmatching groups. This enables you to carry out evaluations in the SAPArchive Information System, for example, by material number ofreturnable packaging; information that is not contained directly in thepostings themselves.
This process is repeated for the next data packet, and so on.

You have defined residence times in Customizing for Returnable PackagingLogistics. These define a retention period (number of days) for accountpostings in the system. If you have not defined these times, archivingterminates with a corresponding message.

Account postings that were selected for archiving are outputted to anarchive file. The report RVHURL007 (archiving of account postings:delete application data) uses this file to delete the data from thetables. A processing log gives details on the amount and volumes of thearchived account postings. A more detailed log is also available,listing successfully archived postings and reasons for postings thatcould not be archived.

Hints were created specifically for the archivingobject VHURL_PO (packaging logistics account postings), where you canfind more information.