Programme SAP RVFTRELI - Foreign Trade: Reorganization Incompleteness Deliveries

The program supports three different core functions for both importpurchase orders and export billing documents:

  • Journals

  • Incompleteness Status

  • Reorganization Incompleteness

  • The individual functions are described in detail below. Refer to thenotes on Organizational measures at the end of the programdocumentation.


    Journal Export
    Using this function, you can display all your exports to certaincountries or customers periodically. The selection screen providesvarious selection parameters.
    You can use the list as a basis for your periodic declarations.

    Journal Import
    Using this function, you can display all your imports from certaincountries or vendors periodically. The selection screen containsvarious selection parameters.
    You can use this list as the basis for your periodic declarations.

    Incompleteness Status
    Using the "Monitor document data status import or export" function, youcan monitor your documents with regard to Foreign Trade data. You canbranch directly from the list to the change transaction and completethe documents. You can also use this function to display the futureworkload (for example, all exports in the next 7 days) and thusensuring complete documents in advance. The selection option isidentical to the one in the journals. In addition, you can select thedocuments according to the incompleteness situation. Refer to the notesat the end of this documentation on Organizational measures.

    Reorganization Incompleteness
    Using the "Reorganization Incompleteness" function, you can ensureconsistency between incomplete Foreign Trade data in the documents andthe incompleteness of the list output.
    At the moment you can only call up the transaction if you directly callup the transaction VIR1 for import documents orVIR2 for export billing documents. You can findfurther information under Organizational measures.

    The result list contains various functions. In addition to the standardfunctions such as sorting, calculating totals and subtotals of valuefields, showing/suppressing columns, printing, exporting lists (HTMLformat, RTF format) or sending per e-mail, you can display theincomplete fields in a document directly from the list. In addition,you can branch to the "Display Foreign Trade data" and "Change ForeignTrade data" functions. If you change a document using the "ChangeForeign Trade data" function, the system refreshes the listautomatically when you return, that is, the system copies the changesfor the document into the list. The changed entry has a yellowbackground. You can use the "Global Refresh" function to generate a newlist according to the selection criteria.

    Control Incompleteness Foreign Trade data
    The basis for the "Incompleteness Foreign Trade data" function indocuments and for correct output of the incompleteness situation on thelists is the maintenance of the corresponding tables in Customizing.Maintain the following objects for the respective country - importingcountry in the case of "Monitor Import", exporting country in the caseof "Monitor Export":
    Incompleteness procedure for Foreign Trade data
    Foreign Trade data in MM and SD documents
    Ensure that the "Save log of incomplete items" indicator is selected.Not setting this indicator could cause a discrepancy between the statusin the document itself and the list status. Preceeding viaincompleteness is preferable for reasons of performance.

    Organizational measures
    If you select documents you created prior to activating theincompleteness function for Foreign Trade data or if you changed theincompleteness procedure for Foreign Trade data (see IncompletenessControl), it may occur that documents that are marked as complete onthe list are marked as incomplete on the documents. In this case, carryout the "Reorganization Export or Import" function directly via theVIR1 (Import) or VIR2 (Export)transaction codes.
    The entries on the list and in the documents are then identical again.