Programme SAP RVFTPRER - Foreign Trade Preference: Create Long-term Vendor Declaration

The international economic blocs adopted preference agreements,
determining which goods from which countries of origin may be imported
in countries with a preference duty.
With a vendor declaration, a vendor certifies the origin in its own
right and thus the preference authorization of the sold goods.
The customer uses the vendor declaration as preference verificationregarding export to a particular target country. This can be checked bythe Customs at any time. The benefactor is the importer of the goodsfrom a country that has an agreement with the exporting customs area.
Because of the processing of various parts from different countries oforigin into one product, it is necessary to divide the value of thesegoods proportionally by countries of origin and apply for preferencesaccordingly.
If a product is processed by the recipient of a vendor declaration insuch a way that a particular percentage rate of value increase isexceeded, the country in which the value-increasing measure was carriedout, is considered to the be country of origin as from this point oftime.
As a result of this regulation, a vendor declaration may only be issuedif the manufacturer of goods ensured in a preference agreement thatthese goods were processed in such a way that the respective country isconsidered as country of origin. In addition, the trading firm has tohave a valid vendor declaration issued by the previous vendor asrequired. Therefore, it is often necessary to ask its own vendor tosubmit a vendor declaration in order for him to be able to issue avendor declaration to its own customers.

This report supports the creation of long-term vendor declarations.
The system thus checks if the materials denoted by the selection
criteria are marked as authorized to preference in the system.

To carry out the report successfully, the following prerequisites have
to be met:
o You have to maintain the preference zones for the plant countries
o The preference determination or the aggregation of the vendor
declarations must have been carried out for the selected materials
o You have to maintain the text containers in the required languages,
that is, dependent on the customer language / common language
parameter either in all languages for which customers are being
selected or only in the chosen common language.
If you do not maintain the text container in the required language,
the system tries to use the logon language. If the text container
is not available even in the logon language, the system does not
issue the letter or dunning.
You can maintain the text containers under Tools->SAPScript->
Standard text. The text ID is always 'ST'.

Selection options
On the selection screen, you have various options to limit the data
volume to be processed. It is recommended that you define as manylimitations as possible according to at least customer and materials.

Processing settings
The report recognizes
two selection modes. You can choose them by using the
'Determine material reference from materials' parameter.
If you set this parameter, the system only issues vendor declarationsfor materials that the customer purchased. The checked period of time(Creation date of the billing document items) will be limited by the'Billing documents from period of time' parameter.
Using an initial parameter, the system generates an entry for eachselected customer for each selected material on the list display.
Note: the selection modes differ from each other in the treatment ofthe preference indicator 'B'!

Treatment of the preference indicator from the material master
The system does not display the preference indicators 'A' and 'D'
as authorized for preference. The preference indicators 'C', 'E' and'F', however, will be displayed as preference authorized, if thevalidity date of the vendor declaration is in the future.
The preference indicator 'B' will always be displayed as not authorized
for preference, if no billing document have been read (cf. "Determinematerial reference from billing documents" parameter). If thepreference indicator has been set for the respective material in eachitem of these billing doucments, "B" will be displayed as authorizedfor preference.

It is advisable to create variants for this report. This means, youhave
to enter the selection criteria and then save these entries so thatthey can be called up at any time.
To create a variant, press the entry button after the entry of theselection criteria to check if you entered all of the necessaryparameters. If the system asks you to enter further information,complete these and then carry out the completeness check again. If thesystem does not require any further information, click on the diskettesymbol below the menu bar or enter CTRL-S. Another screen appears onwhich you enter the name of the variant and its meaning. Afterwards,click on the diskette symbol below the menu bar or enter STRG-S. Thevariant has now been saved and you can use it again by calling up thereport and clicking on the pushbutton "Fetch variant" or by pressingSHIFT-F5.