Programme SAP RVFTGKMD - Legal Control: Create BAFA Diskette for Germany

This report reads a file and creates various files that must bereported to the federal export office (BAFA) for a declaration period:

The federal export office demands the following files on the disk. Thethree X in the file names will be replaced by the declaration period(Parameter 'declaration period'):


  • This file contains the data of the exporter, i.e. the data of yourcompany.
    • SADR.DAT

    • This file contains the addresses of all recipients of normal exportsand transitory exports (ultimate consignees or ship-to parties) and the
      addresses of direct deliveries (ulimate consignees or ship-to partiesand sold-to parties).

      • If data were compressed during the file creation, the system createsthe file SVMELXXX.DAT or the file SVMELXXX.DAT. The corresponding filecontains the normal exports within the declaration period.
        • SDMEL.DAT

        • This file contains all direct deliveries within the declaration period.In the case of direct deliveries and transitory exports, it is not
          important if data were compressed. The system will always create the
          same file.
          • SVMEL.DAT

          • This file contains all transitory exports within the declarationperiod.