Programme SAP RVFTCMPL - Foreign Trade: MM and SD Documents With Foreign Trade Data

This report supports three different basic functions for both importpurchase orders and export billing documents:

  • Journals

  • Incompletion status

  • Reorganization of Incomplete Data

  • The individual functions are described in detail below. NoteOrganizational Measures at the end of this documentation.


    Export Journal
    You can use this function to display all exports to certain countriesor customers periodically. The selection screen offers you differentselection options.
    You can use the resulting list as a basis for your periodic financialstatements.

    Import Journal
    You can use this function to display all imports from certain countriesor vendors periodically. The selection screen offers you differentselection options.
    You can use the resulting list as a basis for your periodic financialstatements.

    Incompletion Status
    When you choose Monitoring -> Document data -> Import/Exportstatus in the foreign trade menu, you can monitor your documentswith regard to foreign trade data. You can branch directly from thislist to the change transaction and complete your documents. You canalso use this function to display the workload that is due forprocessing (for example, all exports that are due in the next sevendays) and thus ensure in advance that the documents are complete. Youcan use the same selection options as for journals. Furthermore, youcan select the documents according to their incompletion status. NoteOrganizational Measures at the end of this documentation.

    Reorganization of Incomplete Data
    The incompletion reorganization function ensures that the incompletionstatuses in the documents and in the lists are consistent.
    At present, you can only use this function by directly calling uptransaction VIR1 for import documents andVIR2 for export billing documents. For furtherinformation, see Organizational Measures.

    You can use several functions in the resulting list. You can usestandard functions, such as sorting, creating totals and subtotals withvalue fields, showing or hiding columns, printing, exporting lists(HTML format, RTF format) or sending them by electronic mail. But youcan also branch to the "Display foreign trade data" or "Change foreigntrade data" transactions. When you choose Goto -> Change FT datato change a document, the system automatically refreshes the list whenyou go back. This means that the changes that you make in the documentare copied into the list. In addition, the changed entry is highlightedin yellow. You can also use the refresh function to create a new listaccording to your selection criteria.

    Control Incomplete Foreign Trade Data
    In order to use the "Control Incomplete Foreign Trade Data" function inthe documents, you have to maintain the relevant tables in Customizing.Maintain the following objects for the relevant country (importingcountry for monitoring imports and exporting country for monitoringexports):
    Incompletion Procedures for Foreign Trade Data
    Foreign Trade Data in MM and SD Documents
    Make sure that you select the incompletion log indicator. If you do notset this indicator, the status in the document and the status in thelist can differ. Due to performance reasons, this is solved via theincompletion log.

    Organizational Measures
    If you select documents which were created before you set theincompletion log indicator or if you changed the incompletion procedurefor foreign trade data, documents that are flagged as being complete inthe list may be flagged as being incomplete in the document. In thiscase, you need to use the export/import reorganization function. To dothis, use transaction VIR1 (import) orVIR2 (export).
    The entries in the list and in the documents will then be identical.