Programme SAP RVEXWUMA - Material Master Check - Foreign Trade - Cross-plant

This report checks the consistency of plant-dependent foreign tradedata. Specifically, for materials that are present in several plants,the system checks to see whether the exact same data has beenmaintained for each plant view.
For this report you can test the following data:

  • General data / Customs data

  • Origin / CAP goods
  • classification
    • Legal control

    • On the initial screen you can limit the output by selecting items forthis check from the following:
      Commodity code/Import codenumber
      Export/Import group
      Chemical Abstracts Service
      (CAS) number
      Control code
      Country of origin
      Region of origin
      CAP products list number
      CAP products group
      Exemption certificate code
      Exemption certificate number
      Exemption certificate data
      You can further limit the output by selecting Material to bemaintained. If you select this field, the system only displayserrors or inconsistencies -- objects that need to be corrected.

      The system displays the output in the form of a log. You can expandentries to several sub-levels by double clicking on an item or byselecting the Expand all icon.
      For individual items you can maintain incorrect data directly from theoutput log (for example, you can go directly to the material masterfrom the output screen to correct an incorrect CAS number).

1243544Missing authorization check for called transactions