Programme SAP RVEXWADA - Goods Catalog (Import and Export) - Disk Version

Goods Catalog - Create Diskette for Import or Export Goods

This report creates a goods catalog for submission to customsauthorities that lists the materials (and their commodity codes andimport code numbers) your company imports or exports. It is used to keepforeign trade statistics.

With the SAP system, you can create a goods catalog on paper or on disk.This report creates a diskette version of the goods catalog. Use reportRVEXWAPA to create the document version.

For INTRASTAT and EXTRASTAT declarations in Germany, the authoritieswill only accept a declaration made on diskette or magnetic tape(according to the simplified procedure) if they have a goods catalog foryour company on file. In addition, your company must first have approvalfrom the authorities to use the simplified procedure.
Depending on the country, you must give the authorities an updatedcatalog anually. After you submit your company's first goods catalog,the authorities assign a number to the catalog. You use this number whenyou submit updates to your company's goods catalog.

Enter selection criteria on the initial screen to limit the output ofthe data. You can limit the output to a single material or a range ofmaterials. You can also display goods assigned to one plant or to arange of plants.
When you create a goods catalog for the first time, you should selectall of the materials relevant for your country and company code. Forfuture goods catalogs, enter a date in the New materials from field tomark all materials in the catalog that are new compared to the previousversion.
To display all materials for a country and company code and plant orrange of plants, leave the Material field blank and execute theprogram.

The system displays a list of the materials sorted by commodity codethat meet the criteria you entered on the initial screen. The followingdata for the materials found appears on each line of the output report:

  • Article or material number

  • Goods description

  • Commodity code

  • Appropriate remarks

  • From the output screen, you can print the data or download it to a localfile in one of the following formats:
    • Unconverted

    • XLS format

    • HTML format

    • RTF format