Programme SAP RVEXSLUL - Legal Control: Sanctioned Party List - Data Service

This report loads sanctioned party list (SLS) data from a local file onthe PC or workstation into the relevant database tables of the SAPsystem. This data must be formatted as an ASCII file.

The system divides the SLS data into five segments:
Segment 1: SLS_SEGMENT_CONTROL --> Start segment
Segment 2: SLS_SEGMENT_H --> Header segment
Segment 3: SLS_SEGMENT_N --> Name segment
Segment 4: SLS_SEGMENT_A --> Address segment
Segment 5: SLS_SEGMENT_STATUS --> Status segment
The control segment specifies the beginning of the data record as wellas the interface version. The header segment contains master data, thename segment contains name-specific data, and the address segmentcontains address-specific data. The status segment controls whether alldata required for the upload has been entered.
The individual segments have the following structure:
*-Segment Control: Record at the beginning of file :
qualf like qualf-c, " Qualifier: Value 'C' for control
slser(06) type c, " Identification of Data Provider
slfrm(10) type c, " Type of File: Value 'SLS_199801'.
filler(483) type c, " Filler: 500 - 017 = 483
*-Segment H: Record for FSLS-entries: HEADER data
qualf like qualf-h, " Qualifier: Value 'H' for header
slsre(10) type c, " Number of entry of Service Provider
slcat(05) type c, " Category of SLS: SDN, TDO, EON, ...
slbho(10) type c, " Issuing Authority of SLS
sllaw(60) type c, " Underlying Law of SLS: Field 1
sllaw2(60) type c, " Underlying Law of SLS: Field 2
sllaw3(60) type c, " Underlying Law of SLS: Field 3
sldoe(08) type c, " Entry date of Master Entry: YYYYMMDD
sldst(08) type c, " Validity Start date:
slden(08) type c, " Validity End date:
slcm1(60) type c, " Comments referring to entry: Field 1
slcm2(60) type c, " Comments referring to entry: Field 2
slcm3(60) type c, " Comments referring to entry: Field 3
filler(90) type c, " Filler: 500 - 410 = 90
*-Segment N: Record for FSLSN-entries: NAMES data
qualf like qualf-n, " Qualifier: Value 'N' for name
slsre(10) type c, " Number of entry from Service Provid.
fslre(06) type c, " Type of reference: AKA, FKA, NKA,
name1(40) type c, " Name 1 of entity
name2(40) type c, " Name 2 of entity
name3(40) type c, " Name 3 of entity
name4(40) type c, " Name 4 of entity
name_co(40) type c, " Name c/o of entity
slnum_ref(10) type c, " Ref.Nr. of entry fr. Service Provid.
sllap(03) type c, " Issuing Country of ID/Passport
slanr(20) type c, " Number of Identification (ID)
slpnr(20) type c, " Number of Passport
filler(230) type c, " Filler: 500 - 270 = 230
*------- Segment A: Record for FSLSA-entries: ADDRESS data
qualf like qualf-a, " Qualifier: Value 'A' for address
slsre(10) type c, " Number of entry from Service Provid.
city1(40) type c, " City
city2(40) type c, " City (Area)
post_code1(10) type c, " ZIP Code
po_box(10) type c, " P.O. Box
street(60) type c, " Street
house_num1(10) type c, " Street Number
building(10) type c, " Building Identification
roomnumber(10) type c, " Number of room in building
country(03) type c, " Country
region(03) type c, " Region in the country
filler(293) type c, " Filler: 500 - 207 = 293
*------- Segment Status: Record at the end of file
qualf like qualf-s, " Qualifier: Value 'S' for status
nhead(10) type c, " Number of HEADER entries in file
nname(10) type c, " Number of NAME entries in file
naddr(10) type c, " Number of ADDRESS entries in file
filler(469) type c, " Filler: 500 - 031 = 469