Programme SAP RVEXSILO - Financial Documents: Simulate Assignment of Financial Documents

This report simulates the legal control automatically carried out bythe system in the order and delivery, provided that the necessarysettings in Customizing have been made.
The report serves to determine whether the export

  • to a certain country

  • to a certain customer

  • with certain products

  • at a certain time

  • is valid according to the legal regulations specified for the countryof departure.
    If you require an export license for exporting a product, the systemtries to determine a license. This license must correspond with allrequirements of the relevant business transaction so that export can beauthorized.

    The relevant settings in Customizing for Foreign Trade must be made.

    After you have entered the different parameters - such as the plant ofthe exporter which determines the country of departure, the partneridentification which defines the ship-to party, and the dispatch data -the system runs the legal control in simulation mode.
    The system issues a three-level log which records in detail allactivities that the system has carried out during legal control.
    The status field contains the overall result of the legal control checkfor this business transaction.

    You can also call up this simulation during order processing. Thus, youcan find out the result of export control for individual order items.