Programme SAP RVEXSE01 - NAFTA: Data Selection for Official Declaration -USA- Forwarding Agents

Shipper's Export Declaration (SED) USA
Report RVEXSE00 selects data for the purpose of creating a Shipper'sExport declaration, a declaration to the authorities, that everycompany involved in export must make to the Department of Commerce(Bureau of Census, Foreign trade division).
The transfer of data is carried out on the 10th calendar day of thesubsequent month.
The selected data is stored in file VESED and can be used in subsequentfunctions for governmet reporting in document, tape or diskette form.

Entering paramaters:
a) Selection criteria
You can select billing documents according to :

  • Company code

  • Billing number

  • Ship-to country

  • Payer

  • Date of creation of document

  • Creator of billing document

  • b) Types of billing documents
    As well as invoices and pro forma invoices, you can also choose whether
    to select
    • cancellation invoices,

    • debit memo,

    • credit memo,

    • cancellation credit memos or,

    • intercompany billing

    • c) SED - General
      You can enter the reporting month and the reporting year here.
      d) Incompletion log
      Type of log: You can either start this report as a test run or a
      production run, that is, the selected data is not stored in a file in
      a test run. Also, you can control the output of a selection log of of
      an incompletion log. You can make the following entries in this field.
      • 'A': Production run / Log-list / ___________________________

      • 'B': Production run / Log-list / Incompletion log

      • 'C': Production run / _______________ / ___________________________

      • 'D': Test run / Log-list / ___________________________

      • 'E': Test run / Log-list / Incompletion log

      • 'F': Test run / _______________ / Incompletion log

      • Country creation SED declaration: This is where you enter the country
        code of the country for which the declaration is to be created. You
        should make sure that the same country code is entered in table T609I,
        which controls the log.
        e) Country key
        This is where you enter whether the numerical 'Schedule C Code' or the
        two-letter ISO code is to be used.
        f) Additional entries
        Plant as selection criteria: Restricting the documents to be selected
        by plant.

        The billing documents selected are those:

        • with an "Export" indicator,

        • dated within the selected period,

        • relevant to FI,

        • already in FI or

        • which are no longer blocked for posting in RF.

        • Depending on the choice of indicators for the incompletion log, the
          keitsprotokolls werden folgende Bildschirmausgaben vorgenommen:
          following data appears on the screen:
          • Selection log

          • Selection log, sorted by commodity codes

          • Incompletion log

          • Key to incompletion log