Programme SAP RVEXREOR - Reorganization of Commodity Codes / Import Code Numbers After Upload

With this report you can updatecommodity code lists andimport code numbers.

This report identifies obsolete codes by comparing codes currently inyour system with a set of codes designated by a keyword you enter. Forexample, the designated set of codes may be a recent set that you loadedinto the SAP system using the report Uploading CommodityCodes.

After comparing the codes, the system creates a list of codes that arenot in the designated set. You can then delete the codes that arelisted.

To use this report, you need to know the key assigned to the set ofcodes on which you want to base the comparison. (When you load a set ofcommodity codes or import code numbers, you may want to print the keyyou assigned to the set and keep it on file.) The system uses thekeyword to retrieve the set of codes from the database.

After you have selected the codes you want to delete from the system,the system also deletes the key. This means that you cannot usethe key again to compare codes. However, you can load a new set of codesand re-enter the key with the new set.