Programme SAP RVEXNAID - Data Medium Exchange with Disk (INTRA/EXTRA/KOBRA/AERP/VAR)

This report reads in data from a previously created file and writes itonto a diskette. This makes it possible for you to report the movementof goods to the statistical authorities using magnetic data carriers.

Enter parameters:

  • Specifications for creating a file

  • Type of data file: You must specify an indicator to identify thedeclaration category. Select from the available possibilities.
    Example: DX = EXTRASTAT Germany
    Source file: Specify the file to be read. Include all paths.
    Subdirectory: Specify the subdirectory in the drive on your PCwhich is to receive the data.
    Example: To copy into the TEMP\INTRA\TEST directory, enter \TEMP\INTRA\TEST or TEMP\INTRA\TEST.
    Target file: Specify the file onto which the data is to bewritten. You can enter a file type as well (for example, INTRA.ASC). Ifyou do not designate a type, the system will automatically assign one.
    Specific additional information: Here, you can define additionalinformation specific to AERP declarations in the US.
    • Criteria for issuing output

    • Issue log: Specify whether a log of records present in the fileis to be displayed on the screen.
      Copy file: Specify whether the file is to be prepared on thedata carrier.
      • Use of source file

      • Here, you can specify whether the file being read will be deleted orretained in the system.

        Depending on the fields you select, the system creates a file or filelog. The end of the data record in the file log is clearly marked.

806070File reports for Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary
987716EU2007: The new EU countries of Romania and Bulgaria
729489EU2004: Intra-/Extrastat - April 2004 (Addition 709487)
709487EU2004: INTRASTAT/EXTRASTAT - selection run for April 2004