Programme SAP RVEXKAAL - Code Number Information

Using this report, you can search for commodity codes/import codenumbers.
You can use the following selection options:

  • Chapter

  • Number
    • Unit of measurement

    • One special unit of measurement
      Only special units of measurement
      • Text selection

      • Text
        Observe lower/upper case

        Note that you should specify chapters with two digits, for example, 01,
        08 or 99.
        In order to create a list of tariff entries, regardless of the specialunit of measure, you must not select the fields 'One special unit ofmeasurement' and 'Only special units of measurement'.

        Maintenance in Customizing

        • Maintain the commodity codes/import code numbers with the relevant
        • texts.
          • Maintain the sections with the relevant texts.

          • Maintain the chapters assigned to sections with the relevant texts.
          • Output
            The system gives you a list sorted by commodity code/import codenumber.
            By double-clicking on a line, a dialog box displays further informationon the relevant tariff entry.