Description This report selects Materials Management (MM) documents that containitems for import that must be included in anEXTRASTAT declaration> tothe customs authorities.Features Limiting output To limit the quantity of documents selected by the system, you canenter additional criteria to include the following:
- Purchasing document or a range of purchasing documents
- Purchasing organization
- Company code
- Plant
- Reporting month and year
Test run or live productive run For data selection, the system can select the data in either a test runor a productive run. In test runs, the system does not overwrite datacurrently in the intermediate database. Simulated data selections arealways test runs and, therefore, never overwrite intermediatedatabases. In productive runs, the system overwrites the intermediatedatabase. Issue / Update selection In the Issue / Update> section of the initial screen, you mustselect a log type>. The log type determines whetherthe execution will be a test or productive run. You can also select a display variant > and a deletion type>. The deletion typedetermines which data records will be deleted from the worklists whenanother update run for the corresponding data selection takes place.Incompletion logs For both test and productive runs, the system can generate incompletionlogs. The incompletion log lists data that is required for thedeclaration but missing from the selected documents. You can access documents missing data directly from the incompletionlog and enter the missing data. You can change this data directly inthe MM documents. If the run is a live data selection for an export or dispatchdeclaration, you can only display the documents in the incompletion logbecause they have already been posted to FI. However, for live dataselection runs for imports or receipts, you can access documentsdirectly from the incompletion log and enter the missing data. Output The system displays the selected documents in a table containing thefollowing data:
- Item
- Document number
- Commodity code/import code number
- Invoice value and currency
- Statistical value and currency
- Tare weight
- Any additional special unit of measure used to measure goods quantities
- Country of dispatch
- Company code
- Plant
Additional Activities From the output table (the resulting data displayed by the system), youcan perform the following tasks:
- Display the incompletion log (if you selected B, E, or F in the Log
type> field)