Programme SAP RVEXDEIH - EXTRASTAT: File Creation for Receipt/Dispatch - Netherlands

This program generates a list and/or a file for an EXTRASTATdeclaration to CBS (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek - Dutch CentralOffice of Statistics).

To select the data to be declared from the export or import billingdocuments:
In the initial screen, choose Logistics --> Sales and Distribution -->Foreign trade.
Declarations --> Authorities
European Union --> EXTRASTAT --> Select documents --> Import or Export

You can create a diskette version by carrying out the following twosteps:
Create a file from the previously selected export and/or import billingdocuments.
Transfer the file to a diskette or onto the PC hard disk.
If you choose list output in the selection criteria, the data will beissued to the screen and you can print it, if necessary.
If you decided that the data should be issued to a file, a file will becreated with the name given by you.
To transfer the file to a diskette or onto the hard disk:
In the initial screen, choose Logistics --> Sales and Distribution -->Foreign trade.
Declarations --> Authorities
European Union --> EXTRASTAT --> Create diskette
To dispatch the file to CBS, the file name on the diskette must be"INTHANDL.98".