Programme SAP RVEXCUSI - Simulate import

Import simulation
Using the import simulation function, a buyer can simulate the importprocess in order to reduce costs and time. All data required for thesimulation is entered on the selection screen.
You should maintain the data in the following blocks:
To where?
From where?
Material data
How much?
Customs data
After you have carried out the program, you receive the followinginformation on the simulation run:

  • information on the data that has been used for the simulation run

  • information on certificates/verifications and the relevant authorities

  • in the third section, details on the preference situation

  • (for example, if a preference verification is required due to thepreference code)
    • in the fourth section, information on customs code determination

    • in the section on customs duties, the customs duties that are levied
    • for the specified material provided that the relevant customs rates arecomplete and have been maintained correctly
      You can use the check log to display the data determined during thechecks.
      The link to pricing allows you to simulate various scenarios for theduty rate to be levied.
      In pricing, you can use other factors which influence the values duringthe simulation run, such as surcharges and discounts, freight costs,charges or insurance costs. The relevant condition types are stored inthe pricing procedure 'RMIMP0'.
      When you have exited pricing, the system increases the counter for thecustoms duties simulation run by 1 and updates the values for thedifferent customs duties.