Programme SAP RV15B001 - Rebate: Create New Index for Rebate Processing (Table VBOX)

The rebate index is used internally in order to settle rebateagreements that have been created retrospectively and in order todisplay the drill-downs, i.e. the relevant billing documents, forrebate agreements.

The rebate index should be reorganized if you change one of thefollowing rebate processing factors:

  • Creation of new accesses for rebate processing

  • New rebate relevance of sales organizations

  • New rebate relevance of billing types

  • New rebate relevance of sold-to parties
  • Output
    Problems are logged in the job log.

    • Enter the parameters in order to specify the reorganization scope.

    • You can select only certain billing documents.
      First you can delete all entries for the specified billing documents.If performance is very low during deletion, please contact your DBadministrator.
      • Enter the program flow parameters.

      • Enter date and time of the first program flow.
        Enter the maximum period for each repetition. After the time specified,the program stops and restarts after the specified number of days.
        Specify after how many days the program should restart.