Programme SAP RV14ADMP - Delete Material Price

Material prices are deleted using the ABAP/4 program RV14ADMP. Onlythose prices which have the condition type PR00 and have been createdin Table A004 (sales organization, distribution channel) are deleted.This program is used when the material data for a client is reset orwhen the material master is reorganized.
The following variants can be used depending on the entry:

  • Sales organization, distribution channel, material number are entered.

  • All prices for the combination entered are deleted.
    • Only the material number is entered.

    • The material prices for the material are deleted in all salesorganizations and distribution channels.
      • Neither the sales organization nor the distribution channel nor the
      • material number is entered.
        In this case (Reset), all material prices are deleted.

        A list is created of all material prices to be deleted. This list isonly displayed on request.

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