Programme SAP RV130005 - Agreement Archiving: Write program for object SD_AGREEM


Conditions: Archiving agreements (create archive)
Archiving condition records is carried out using the 'ARCHIVEDEVELOPMENT KIT' (ADK).
Archiving is carried out via transaction 'SARA'!
Calling the 3 programs can be carried out individually andindependently, in which case the DB deletion program is not, however,started automatically by the archive creation program.
The following programs have been created for archiving:
Creation of archiving objects (agreements) in an archive
Physical deletion of the database entries for the archive objectscreated by RV130005
Program documentation
Option for reload to the database for archiving objects created byRV130005 and physically deleted by RV130006.
Program documentation
Rv130006 should always be run after RV130005; this is guaranteed bytransaction 'SARA'.
RV130007 should only be used in exceptional circumstances, when it isabsolutely necessary to reload archived agreements.

DB tables involved
The following DB tables are combined in an archiving object andarchived together:
KONA: Agreements
Corresponding conditions
Axxx bzw. KOTExxx: Condition tables
KONH: Condition header
KONP: Condition item
KONM/KONW: Quantities or value scales
Item and scale are archived via archiving class CONDS
WAKHIND: Index retail promotions
EKBO: Index subsequent settlement
EBOX: Index settlement documents for subsequent settlement

Normal archiving of conditions (SD_COND) can lead to conditions foragreements are already written to the condition archive. When theagreements are reloaded, these conditions are no longer found.
Normal; Furthermore data records can remain in the index table KONAIND,for which the volume rebate stipulations in sales, as well as thecorresponding condition records have already been archived.
By selecting the checkbox for index cleanup in the window "Agreementsin Sales' you archive these data records as well.
This should occur after you run a regular archiving session with thosevariants (select the checkbox for index cleanup, in addition), sincethe index cleanup requires many resources, in some cases, and thereforethe regular archiving session could last too long.

Rebate agreements in sales and arrangements in purchasing can only be
archived if settlement has been completed.

The archiving log can also include a list of agreements to beprocessed.