Programme SAP RV130002 - Conditions: Archiving Condition Records (DB Deletion Program)


Conditions: Archiving of conditions (Delete database)
The archiving of condition records is performed with 'ARCHIVEDEVELOPMENT KIT' (ADK).
Archiving should be performed using transaction 'SARA'!
You can, however, call the 3 programs separately and independently ofone another.
The following programs have been created for archiving:
Create archiving objects in one archive.
Program documentation
Physical deletion of database entries for archiving objects which arecreated by RV130001.
Option to reload into the database archiving objects which are createdby RV130001 and physically deleted by RV130002.
Program documentation
RV130002 should always be run after RV130001 so that the conditionrecords are deleted in the database at approximately the same time;this is guaranteed by the transaction 'SARA'.
When you start the program manually, all archive files which have notyet been physically deleted are highlighted.

You have the following options:

  • Test run (without deletion):

  • If set, no DB entries are physically deleted.
    When the programm is started with 'SARA', the parameter from RV130001is transferred.
    • Archive file:

    • You can enter this manually. If no entry is made, the programhighlights all archive files which have not yet been physicallydeleted.
      When the program is started with 'SARA', the parameter from RV130001 istransferred.
      • Detailed log:

      • If set, all data records which are to be physically deleted aredisplayed.

        Archive files which are to be physically deleted must exist for thearchiving object 'SD_COND'.

        Normal or detailed log

664853Incomplete archiving of multi-dimensional conditions