Programme SAP RV130001 -


Conditions: Archiving of conditions (Create archive)
The archiving of condition records is performed with 'ARCHIVDEVELOPMENT KIT' (ADK).
Archiving should be performed using transaction 'SARA'!
You can, however, call the 3 programs separately and independently ofone another. However, the DB deletion program for the archive creationprogram is not started automatically.
The following programs have been created for archiving:
Create archiving objects in one archive.
Physical deletion of database entries for archiving objects which arecreated by RV130001.
Program documentation
Option to reload into the database archiving objects which are createdby RV130001 and physically deleted by RV130002.
Program documentation
RV130002 should always be run after RV130001; this is guaranteed bytransaction 'SARA'.
RV130003 should only be used in exceptional cases when archivedconditions really must be reloaded.

DB tables affected:
The following DB tables are combined into one archiving object and arearchived together:
Axxx: condition table
KONH: condition header
which are linked to the condition table by KNUMH.
KONP: condition items
several of which are possibly linked to KONH by KNUMH.
KONM: conditions (quantity scale)
None or several of which are linked to KONP by KNUMH.
KONW: conditions (value scale)
None or several of which are linked to KONP by KKNUMH.

Agreements, sales promotions: that is, archiving is also performed forall conditions which are linked to KONA. If one of the following fieldsin KONP is not initial, the condition is still archived: KNUMA-PI(promotion), KNUMA_AG (sales deal), KNUMA_SQ (customer agreement) andAKTNR (retail promotion)
As a result, there may be references in KONA to conditions which havebeen archived, that is, which no longer exist.

You can make the following selections:

  • Usage:

  • Select A = pricing
    • Application:

    • Condition type:

    • You can enter specific condition types for which the program is to berun.
      • Condition table:

      • If you make an entry here, only this condition table is archived forthe usage, application, and condition type. Only enter the number here;
        The entry 005, for example, is read as A005 for Usage A

        You have the following options:

        • Incl. deletion indicator (independent of date):

        • Conditions for which the deletion indicator has been set are added tothe conditions selected on the basis of the date selection. This is notdependent on validity date.
          • Excl. deletion indicator (independent of date):

          • Regardless of date, only those conditions are taken into account forwhich the deletion indicator has been set.
            • Test run only (W/out deletion):

            • If the program is started by the archiving transaction (SARA), theparameter is transferred to the corresponding deletion program. If theparameter is set, no object is physically deleted from the database.
              • Create archive file during test run:

              • This parameter controls whether an archive file is created during atest run.
                This enables you to create back-up files without phyiscally deletingthe data.
                The parameter must be set for the 'live' run.
                • With detailed log:

                • If the parameter is set, a detailed log is created in which all datarecords to be archived are listed.
                  • Maximum number of records per table:

                  • You use this parameter to determine the maximum number of read accessesper selected condition type and condition table.
                    If the maximum number is exceeded, the system terminates the processingof the current condition type and table. Then the system checks therecords that have been read up to then to see whether they fulfil theprerequisites for archiving. The system continues to process the nextcondition type or table. This ensures that, for each program run, allselected condition tables and types are processed.
                    The parameter influences the program runtime.
                    • Maximum number of conditions (header):

                    • Condition headers (KONH) can exist in the system for which there are nolonger any entries in the condition tables (Axxx) (due to dateoverlapping). Here, you can define whether and how many conditionheaders are to be checked. The setting only influences the programruntime.
                      • Maximum for document check:

                      • If the document check is active for applications (Customizing), you canenter the maximum number of documents to be checked (KONV). If thismaximum number is exceeded, no archiving is performed for applicationswhere the document check is active !
                        This parameter not only influences the runtime but also the program'sstorage requirements. 100,000 documents correspond roughly to 1 MB ofadditional storage. If this parameter is set too high, the roll areamay be too small and the program terminates.
                        Error note



                        • Table T681H:

                        • Can be maintained using view V_T681H. In addition to CLIENT, USAGE, andAPPLICATION, which are to be archived, you must also enter:
                          Residence time in days:
                          The To-date for the condition tables must be before or the same as thecurrent date for the residence time.
                          Document check:
                          If this check is active, only those conditions are archived for whichdocuments (KONV) no longer exist in the system.
                          • Archiving object:

                          • You must maintain archiving object 'SD_COND' with transaction 'SAR2'.
                            • Structure of the archiving object:

                            • You must use transaction 'SAR1' to define the structure of thearchiving object 'SD_COND':
                              Parent segment Segment
                              KONH SDKONDARCH
                              KONH KONP
                              KONP KONW
                              KONP KONM
                              • Customizing view for archiving object:

                              • Using transaction 'SAR3', you can, for example, define the log.file,the size of the archive file, the variants for the deletion program andwhether it should be started automatically.

                                The following output can be issued:

                                • Normal or detailed log:

                                • Can be controlled using parameter 'with detailed log'.
                                  • Archive file:

                                  • Using parameter 'Create archive file during test' you can controlwhether a physical archive file is created during the test run.

664853Incomplete archiving of multi-dimensional conditions
209094MM_EINA Archiving of conditions