Programme SAP RUTHVMIG - Migration of help views to new search helps

The program generates the appropriate search helps for help viewscreated before Release 4.0 and attaches the search helps to the primarytable of the help view.
It is used for subsequent repairs if errors occurred during automaticgeneration of search helps during the upgrade.
If no further options are defined, search helps are created for thehelp views which satsify the following conditions.
The search help may not yet exist (in active status). (The name of thesearch help is the same as that of the help view. A Y or Z is onlyprefixed in the customer namespace H_Y and H_Z.)
The check table may not be attached to another search help.
The help view must have been created prior to Release 4.0.
The help view may not be used as the selection method of a search help.
If objects which do not lie in the customer namespace are modified, arepair is created and confirmed so that the modification is not lostduring the next upgrade.
The option "only test run" can be used to check which help views wouldbe changed.
The option "only attach to check table" can be used to repair thesearch help attachment to the primary table. The search help mustalready exist in this case.
Local private help views should not be converted into search helps ifthe primary tables are not also local and private.
Otherwise errors will occur when the table is transported if the searchhelp is not found in the target system.