Programme SAP RUPSTYPIMPORT - ALE Distribution Unit: Import of SAP Package Types

Within the framework of delivered distribution scenarios, SAP deliversthe following preconfigured UPS packet types. This has the followingadvantages:

  • Efficient access to the solution, without oneself having to make
  • Customizing settings.
    • The delivery is in client '000'. The report imports the preconfigured
    • packet types into the active clients.
      • The packet types are in the customer namespace, and can be changed
      • without restriction.

        The packet types are a prerequisite for the use of SAP scenarios.

        Only packet types that do not already exist in the current client areimported.


        • Upper half of the screen: List of the SAP packet types delivered, and
        • their status in the current clients.
          • Lower half of the screen: Completed database imports for the complete
          • import of SAP packet types.