Programme SAP RUPSMAS - ALE Distribution Unit: Post DSPRCP IDocs Again

UPS packet types are distributed in ALE using message type UPSMAS.According to the settings for partner profiles for UPSMAS, the messagesare no transferred to the UPS application immediately. This means thatUPS objects are not created immediately.
This means that further processing of distribution in the target systemis not possible.
This report selects all the messages of message type UPSMAS and enablesmonitoring of their posting.


You are in the target system.
The source system has sent a UPS.

All messages of message type UPSMAS that have not been posted areselected and displayed.

The list of messages of message type UPSMAS that have not been postedis displayed, and the distribution packet identified.

You have the following processing options:

  • Go to the IDoc, to check the content

  • Go to the application log, to localize the source of the error

  • Select IDocs and trigger their posting

  • Update the list with new IDoc status
  • Example
    It is known that UPS 4711 has been sent to the target system.However, the UPS does not exist in the target system.
    With Post delivery notes, you display the IDoc with the UPSidentifier 4711.

    • If the IDoc status is 64, you select the IDoc and post it.

    • If the IDoc status is 51, you check the application log and solve the
    • problem (such as lock or Customizing). Then you select the IDoc andpost it.
      Update the list.
      Keep on correcting until the IDoc is no longer in the list.