Programme SAP RUHC_ACTION_MONITOR - Collection Cases with Overdue Actions

This function enables you to evaluate collection cases with overdueactions. The system supports you in making sure that actions areexecuted consistently and therefore that the receivables are collected.

So that the system can determine when an action is overdue, thefollowing IMG activities must have been processed in the Customizing ofDebt Recovery Management for Public Sector :

  • Define Characteristics of Actions: in these IMG activities, an
  • execution period is defined for each action.
    • Include Actions in Action List: only actions contained in the
    • action lists are displayed in the collection cases. The determination ofexecution periods first requires that a function module was defined fordate calculation for the corresponding action list. Otherwise theexecution period is unlimited.

      The system issues a list of collection cases that match the selectioncriteria entered. The list does not display the overdue actions directlyas their assignment to individual collection cases is not usuallyunique.
      You can display a collection case by double-clicking on it in the list.If you then call the Action list, you will see which actions areoverdue. From here you can switch to processing mode and complete theaction directly if necessary.
      Collection cases with status Closed are not displayed by thisprogram if they still contain overdue actions.