Programme SAP RTXDART_PT - DART: XML File Creation (Portugal)

1447621Report RSAFT_PT_XML for SAFT-PT
1405016SAFT-PT: Legal change for January 2010
1082823SAFT-PT: Standard Auditing File for Tax Purposes (Portugal)
1128306SAFT-PT: RTXDART_PT : Dart PT additional corrections
1249546SAFT-PT: RE and FI documents as Billing Documents
1321746SAFT-PT: RE and FI documents as Billing Documents
1293083SAFT PT : Performance enhanced report for RTXDART_PT
1253850SAFT-PT : RTXDART_PT : FI sorting and Empty Quantity
1309697RFASLDPC: Large files copied incompletely
1226500SAFT-PT: Modifications for XML file (RTXDART_PT)
1251120SAFT-PT : RTXDART_PT modifications for report and XML file
1128119SAFT-PT: Tax Audit File for Portugal
1252912SAFT-PT:Modifications for DMEE fields and structure
1161774SAFT-PT : Modifications for report RTXDART_PT