Programme SAP RTRSTI_RVARI_XPRA - BC-SRV-BBS: XPRA report for conversion of table TRSTI

Table TRSTI contains report assignments used in Report Report Interface.This program converts name of variants of receiver ABAP reports of typeRT in table TRSTI from field RONAM into field RVARI.
Until release 46C the name of variants of receiver ABAP reports werestored within the field RONAM+40(14). Since release 46C a new fieldRVARI was added to the table TRSTI. This program converts the variantnames of receiver ABAP reports for assignments created in formerreleases before release 46C.

This program is relevant for uprade to releases 46C and higher. Thesource releases should be 46B and lower. If the report is, for example,executed during upgrade from 46C to 700, nothing should happen and 0records of table TRSTI should be converted.
If some records are converted even during such upgrade from 46C to 700,it means, that not all records of TRSTI were converted already in formerupgrade (for example from 46B to 46C). This is correct behaviour of theprogram.

The program produces a listing of number of entries converted in eachclient of the table TRSTI.