Programme SAP RTPM_TRAC_MIGRATE_REVDATA - Conversion of Reversal Dates (Date, Period, Year) and Document Date

This report converts the data from the TRACT_DOCUMENT database table.The newly introduced fields for reversal data (ACREVERSALDATE), reversalperiod (ACREVERSALPERIOD), reversal year (ACREVERSALYEAR) and documentdate (DOCUMENT_DATE) are filled.
Before the database was converted, the posting data fields got thereversal data (ACPOSTINGDATE, ACPOSTINGPERIOD, ACPOSTINGYEAR) forreversed documents. The document date was not saved. The report is nowtrying to read the original posting data from the FI or SL document. Ifthis is successful (and we can assume it will be), this data will betransferred to the posting data fields and the reversal data is thencopied to the newly created fields. The document date is also filled atthis time. If the report is not able to read the data in the FI/SL docu
ments, the document remains unchanged, that is, the new fields are notfilled.
All affected data records are displayed for you to check. If some areunable to be changed, the system issues a warning message and therelevant highlighted data records are the first to be output.

There are no prerequisites. In particular, the report does not requirethat actual documents be converted.

In order to reduce the report runtime, the data records can be selectedby their accounting code and valuation area. It is possible to start thereport in a test run first of all to determine if problems are likely tooccur.

The system outputs a list of all relevant data records. These arereversed documents which do not yet have a reversal date. The documentsmust also match the restrictions entered in the selection screen.Documents for which the system was unable to determine the originalposting data are highlighted at the top of the output list. If somedocuments cannot be converted, the report issues a warning message withthe number of documents.