This depends on the parameters in the selection screen. Prerequisites Selection Select the "Screen Output ALV" to display the data in ALV lists. Uponexecution you get an overview list in which all invoice document data isdisplayed in a big ALV grid list. If you double-click an invoicedocument, all header data, document data, line items and transfer dataare displayed on another screen. You can use the buttons in the detailview to navigate to the previous or next document. Select parameter "File (CSV)" to extract the selected data to a CSVfile. Select parameter "File (SAP Audit Format)" to extract the selected datato an AIS file (each record type - invoice header, document, line item,transfer data - has its own file). In the "Line Layout" parameter you can optionally specify the ID of alayout (maintenance with transaction FPSELP1") which defines the recordtypes and fields of the respective record types to be taken intoaccount. If you leave this parameter empty, all short tables with alltheir columns are taken into account. You can display the definition ofthe specified layout by clicking the "Detail" button. Under Name, enter a file name to be created. In the case of an AIS fileexport, for each extracted structure the extract ID is added to thisname (IH=Incoming Invoice Header, ID=Incoming Invoice Document,IL=Incoming Invoice Line Item, IT=Incoming Invoice Transfer Data) tocreate a unique file name. For extract to a local file, the file name thus constructed is useddirectly. For extract to a file on the application server, the file name isgenerated from the parameter for creating the file name via the logicalfile name "TINV-DOC-EXTRACT" (transaction FILE). There the compound filenames are applied as the physical file name. The files are stored in thelogical path TMP. Select the parameter "Local File" if you want to extract to a local fileon the front end. Select "Overwrite File" if you want to overwrite a file with the samename. Please note that processing a large volume of data in the dialog foroutput in a list or a local file is not useful and can cause runtime orcapacity problems. Output |