Programme SAP RTINV_DOC_DATA_DEL - Delete Extract of Incoming Bills

This report deletes the IS-U incoming invoice extract from the relevantshort tables (shortened document data).

This report deletes incoming invoice data from the following shorttables:
Short table,,Contents
TINV_EXTR_HDR,,Extract administration (administrative data for extractID)
TINV_HEAD_SHORT,,Invoice header
TINV_DOC_SHORT,,Invoice document
TINV_LINEB_SHORT,,Invoice line
TINV_TRNSF_SHORT,,Transfer data
Administration data is only deleted when an extract ID is selected,otherwise the data remains in the TINV_EXTR_HDR table.
Please note:
You are obliged to keep document data for a period of ten years. Theprogram allows the deletion of new document data. Only a warning messageis produced. It is recommended to keep extract file data (either createdfrom the production system with RTINV_DOC_EXTR_EXP or evaluation systemwith RTINV_DOC_EXTR_EXTR) on external data carriers. Compared to AISformat files, CSV files have the advantage of being reusable in anevaluation system.

Deletion can also be made according to extract ID or content criteria:

  • For deletion according to extract ID, enter the ID in the relevant text
  • field. When executed, the relevant administrative data record isdeleted, together with all incoming invoices that correspond to thetransfer period and company code that were saved in the data record.
    • For deletion according to contact criteria, enter the desired value
    • under the relevant selection criteria. Entry of a time period for thetransfer data or internal document number is obligatory. In addition,you can enter optional individual values, business partner intervals,contract accounts and company codes.
      Please note: It is possible that the same document data is saved underseveral extract IDs in the evaluation system. During deletion, the datais deleted according to the selection. No consideration is made, forexample, of whether an extract ID remains in the system where thedocument still exists.

      A log is output by the report that either confirms successful processingor gives error messages that have occurred.
      The log is also saved as an application log under object IUTXAR andsub-object TINV.

1475933GDPdU report RTINV_DOC_DATA_DEL ends with short dump