Programme SAP RTHM_XPRA_001 - XPRA for Parallel Valuation Areas in Hedge Management

As of release ERP2005, hedge management supports parallel valuationareas. This XPRA fills the valuation area in the existing data accordingto the entry in table THMC_HEDGE_PROC. The following tables are changed:

  • THMC_HEDGE_PROC: The 'leading valuation area' indicator is set if there
  • is exactly one entry for a company code. This is ensured if the XPRAruns in a technical upgrade and the table was not modified before theupgrade.
    • THAEXT_EXP_HDG: An entry is generated for each exposure for which there
    • is a hedge item.
      • THMT_HEDGE_ITEM: The new 'valuation area' field is filled.

      • THMHRT_HR: The new 'valuation area' field is filled.