Programme SAP RS_TEST_IDENTIFY_TEXT - Test Report for Text Recognition

This report is a test program for the interfaceIF_TEXT_IDENTIFIER that realizes a generaltext recognition. The interface is currently implemented by bothclasses CL_TEXT_IDENTIFIER (Basis class) and CL_HR_TEXT_IDENTIFIER(Text recognition in HR). Both classes can be tested with this report.
A description of the algorithm that is used for text recognition can befound with the interface IF_TEXT_IDENTIFIER
The report gives the result of the text recognition. As the interfaceIF_TEXT_IDENTIFIER is used in the SAP Query for automatic textrecognition, you can use this report to analyze why certain texts areavailable for certain fields, and why no texts are found for otherfields.

Table name: Enter the name of the table for which textrecognition is to be carried out here.
Field name: Enter the names of the fields in the table for whichtext recognition is to be carried out here. If you do not make anyentries, text recognition is carried out for all the fields of thespecified table.
Tables for value determination: Enter the names of additionaltables that are to be referred to when determining the text here.
Text recognition: Using the radio button, choose whether textrecognition should take place via the basis class or the HR class.

The following information is displayed for the analyzed fields:
Text exists in Query: If the text is available in the query, agreen LED appears, otherwise a red LED appears.
Type of text recognition: Gives details on the informationrequired to read the text:

  • READABLE: Knowing the field value is enough to be able to read the
  • text.
    • READABLE_WITH_RECORD: Values from fields in the same table are also
    • required before the text can be read. You can find out which fields aremeant by clicking on the hotspot in the column 'Key - Text Table KeyFields'. This information is in the following popup for the typeMATCHING in the column 'Field'.
      • READABLE_W_TABLE_REC: Values from table fields that have been entered
      • in the selection screen in the parameter 'Tables for ValueDetermination' are also required before the text can be read. You canfind out which fields are meant by clicking on the hotspot in thecolumn 'Key - Text Table Key Fields'. The information is in thefollowing popup for the type MATCHING_TABLE in the columns 'Table' and'Field'.
        • READABLE_W_ADD_INFO: A text has been found, but the information given
        • is not sufficient for it to be read. You can find out exactly whatinformation is missing by clicking on the hotspot in the column 'Key -Text Table Key Fields'. You can see the missing information in thefollowing popup in the entry NO_MATCH in the 'Type' column.
          Field name: Name of the field.
          Feld description: Description of the field (name).
          Data element: Data element for the field.
          Domain: Domain of the field.
          Text source: Gives details of from where the text is read:
          • DOMAIN_VALUES: Text is determined from domain fixed values. Fixed
          • values are therefore defined for the domains of the field.
            • FUNCTION_MODULE: Text determined using a function module. An exception
            • is defined for this field.
              • CHECKTABLE: Text read from the check table. A check table is therefore
              • defined directly for the field (see SE11).
                • TEXTTABLE: Text read from the text table. A check table that has a text
                • table is therefore defined directly for the field. (see SE11).
                  • VALUETABLE: Text read from the value table. A value table is therefore
                  • defined for the domains of the field (see SE11).
                    • VALUETEXTTABLE: Text read from value text table. A value table with a
                    • text table is therefore defined for the domains of the field (seeSE11).
                      Text source name: If the text source is a table, then the nameof the table is given here. If the text source is a function modulethen the name of the function module is given.
                      Text field name: If the text source is a table, then the name ofthe field that contains the text is given here.
                      All text fields: If there is more than one text field, then thenumber of text fields found is entered here. A click on the hotspotgets you a popup with all text fields.
                      Key - Text table key fields: The following explains how texttable key fields are supplied when reading the text:
                      • CLIENT: Client.

                      • LANGUAGE: Language, if available, otherwise SY-LANGU.

                      • VALUEFIELD: Value of the field for which the text is being searched
                      • for.
                        • CONSTANT: Constant copied from the foreign key definition.

                        • MATCHING: Value of another field from the same table. The flag in the
                        • 'foreign key' column shows you if this information has been copied fromthe foreign key definition.
                          • MATCHING_TABLE: Value of another field from a table that has been
                          • entered in the selection screen in the parameter 'Tables for valuedetermination'. The flag in the 'foreign key' column shows you if thisinformation has been copied from the foreign key definition.
                            • NO_MATCH: Field could not be determined. It is not possible, therefore,
                            • to read the text, even thoughthe text has been identified.
                              Exception: This flag shows you if a defined exception has beenused when determining the text (exceptions are defined by SAP in thetables TEXC_FLD, TEXC_DE and TEXC_DOM, and by customers in the tablesTEXC_FLD_C, TEXC_DE_C and TEXC_DOM_C). You can find a description ofhow exceptions are created on the interfaceIF_TEXT_IDENTIFIER.

                              You can usually navigate directly to the displayed objects bydouble-clicking on the cells.