Programme SAP RS_SECURITY_TRUST_RELATIONS - Security of Trusted Relationships

This report is used to display trust relationships (as defined in SAPNote 1491645) from all systems trusted by the current system, and fromall systems that trust the current system. It also determines whetherthe trust relationships use security procedure 1 (not recommended) orsecurity procedure 2 (recommended).


1. ,,SAP Note 1491645 must already be imported into the current system.
2. ,,The user used to run the report requires the authorizationS_ADMI_FCD with the field S_ADMI_FCD and the value NADM.

The report lists all trust relationships
a) to system trusted by the current system (first list, left of screen)
b) from systems that trust the current system (second list, right ofscreen).
For each trust relationship, the report specifies the security procedureused, either security procedure 1 (not recommended) with a red light orsecurity procedure 2 (recommended) with a green light. The procedure-1relationships to trusted systems (left list) can be deleted bydouble-clicking the delete icon in the "Delete" column.Procedure-1 relationships to systems that trust the current system, onthe other hand, can be updated by running the reportRS_UPDATE_TRUST_RELATIONS (see SAP Note 1491645).

1646648Not possible to delete the trust relationship
1498973Renewing trust relationships to a system