Programme SAP RS_PACKCHECK_EXCEPTION - Check Exception Maintenance for the Package Check

RS_PACKCHECK_EXCEPTION is used to enter and delete package checkexceptions for development objects (that is, any R3TR objects or LIMUFUNC).
First, the report checks the authorization S_PACKSTRU for the structurepackage where the relevant development object is stored. If there is notransport task specified, the system queries the transport request forthe transportable object.
If an error occurs, the system displays an information message andreturns to the selection screen. If no errors occur, it displays a listwith the written data. You can control the written data using SE16(TADIR-PAKNOCHECK for R3TR objects and ENLFDIR-EXTEN4 for LIMU FUNC).
Caution: The report transports only LIMU ADIR entries (or LIMU FUNC inthe case of function modules); thus, the exception flag can be setwithout transporting the whole development object.