Programme SAP RS_CLM_MODINF_RESTORE - Restores Modification Information

This program is used to restore modification entries in SMODISRC andSMODILOG using the source texts of the respective objects. (Noentries, for example, of the interface or the program attributes can berestored.)

Supported Objects
Programs, function modules, screens, and methods


The modification entries calculated on the basis of the source texts aredisplayed together with the current entries of SMODILOG(i) andSMODISRC(i) in list form. Using the option "save inactive", thecalculated entries can be written to SMODILOGI and SMODISRCI. If theobject is activated later on, these entries are transmitted to SMODILOGand SMODISRC. Exception: In the case of screens, data is written toSMODILOG aund SMODISRC immediately.