The bgRFC (Background Remote Function Call) Unit History monitor enablesyou to display individual bgRFC units whose destination has beenactivated for the Unit History.
Changes in the status of a unit are saved to the database. You can viewthe status entry for a unit in the Unit History Monitor.
When you display the unit history, you see the status changes of theunit in both the local system and the target system.

You can display the bgRFC unit history only if you have activated theunit history for your destination before the units are created.
To run the monitor, you require the authorization object 'S_BGRFC'.

You can limit the report to "Outbound" and "Inbound" units. You can makefurther restrictions for both properties under "Options forOutbound/Inbound".
Under "Options for Outbound/Inbound", you can select according tovarious criteria. You can select according to the number of units andthe time the status was changed. You must enter the status change timeas a UTC time stamp in the format YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmmuuun. Use the valuehelp to help you enter the time stamp.
If you enter values for the 'Unit ID' field, under "Unit ID in bgRFC",any other values entered under "Outbound", "Inbound", and "Options forOutbound/Inbound" are ignored. Only the status change entries of thespecified 'Unit ID' are displayed.

The first screen shows only the current status of the units. Click'Detail' to display a second screen, which shows you all status changesto the units selected on the first screen. You have two options on thesecond screen:
Click "Back to Overview" to go back to the first screen.
Click "Detail" to display a third screen, which shows you detailedinformation about the entry selected on the second screen.
The first and second screens include a "Refresh" function.
If there is an entry in the 'Unit ID" field under "Unit ID in bgRFC",you can go directly to the second screen to view all status changes forthis unit.