Programme SAP RS_BGRFC_DB_CONSISTENCY - Checks Consistency of bgRFC Database Tables


This program is only to be used in exceptional cases by SAP DevelopmentSupport.

It analyzes the consistency of scenario data in the bgRFC databasetables, and can correct inconsistencies in certain cases.

Before you run the program in change mode (repair = 'X'), make sure thatthe bgRFC database of the scenario is not being changed in parallel bybgRFC Scheduler, the bgRFC monitors, or the bgRFC monitoring API.

Before you repair inconsistencies in the bgRFC database, use theanalysis functions (repair = ' ') to get a complete overview of thestate of the data. In many cases, there are several different ways ofremoving inconsistencies.
In some cases, using a repair function can cause new inconsistencies.For this reason, we recommend that you run a new analysis after eachrepair action.