Programme SAP RS_BCT_PBPC_BRF_MAINT - Application Class Maintenance for BRF BI Planning Connector

This report can be used to create, enhance or delete an applicationclass in the BRF BI Planning Connector (BBPC). An application class canbe enhanced either by copying implementing classes and Business RulesFramework (BRF) objects (such as expressions, actions, or events) froman existing application class; or by adding implementing classes to theapplication class.

The report supports creation and deletion of the cross-clientapplication class as well as all client-dependent tables for a BRFapplication class used for BBPC calculations.
When creating or enhancing an application class, the program createscreate entries for all standard BRF or BBPC implementing classes (unlessthey already exist for the application class).
When a source application class is specified, all implementing classesof the source application class are copied to the application class,along with the standard BRF and BBPC Implementing Classes.
Additionally, the individual BRF objects of a source application classcan be copied to the application class. This includes groups,expressions, actions, events, data sources, and rule sets. There areselection options for controlling the type of update operations to beperformed - see below.
The report has a "Simulation" option to allow you to see the summaryreport without updating the database.

The report supports the following options:

  • Create New Application Class

  • Enhance Existing Class

  • Delete Application Class

  • When you create a new application class, the cross-client applicationclass record is created if it does not already exist. In that case, apop-up window appears for you to enter a description for the applicationclass.
    When you delete an application class, the cross-client application grouprecord is not deleted if the application group also exists in anotherclient of the system.
    The report has the following Copy options:
    • Copy From (identifies the source application class to copy from)

    • Copy Implementing Classes Only / Also Copy BRF Objects: these radio
    • buttons, let you choose whether you want to include the individual BRFobjects (such as examples or actions) or only the implementing classes.
      • Options for Copying Individual Objects: these options control which
      • types of updates to individual objects are performed (only relevant whenenhancing an existing application class):
        Only Add Missing Objects
        Objects that already exist in the application are not updated; onlyInserts are performed
        Also Update Existing Objects
        Existing objects are updated if they are different from objects of thesame name in the source application class. Missing objects are alsoadded.
        Also Delete if not in Source
        If an object in the application class does not exist in the sourceapplication class, it is deleted. The insert and update operations arealso performed.
        You can also maintain related BBPC Scenario configuration using thecorresponding pushbutton.

        The report provides a summary list of the number of records inserted,deleted, and updated into each database table.

        In addition to maintaining the BRF Application Class, each applicationclass must be assigned to a BBPC Scenario. You can maintain the scenarioin the Implementation Guide (IMG), or you can use the Scenariopushbutton labeled on the selection screen of this report.

1465711BI_CONT 705:Information on Add-On Support Packages