Programme SAP RSXPRAUP - Set and Reset Flags for Execution of XPRA

1314769PCL2: Cluster conversion of BT in payroll results
1253309Changes to tables ACO_USER and ACO_ROLE after RPM XPRA
429060IS-OIL / IS-MINE : Upgrade 4.6C Support Release 2
804121ABP: The ISU_XPRA_LOGNO XPRA has a long runtime
209571Additions to the add-on installation DI 46C2
209574Additions to the add-on delta upgrade to DI 46C2
209567Additions to the add-on installation DI 46C1
807870Long run time of Report RFMXPR41
307747Automatic filling of HRPY_RGDIR and HRPY_WPBP
368313Additional Info: IS-Oil / IS-Mine Installation 4.6C
122597Ignoring errors in the phase XPRAS_...
485992Upgrade IS-U/CCS 4.62 and 4.63: ISU_XPRA_PRINTDOC_BLART
397921ROICXKON_46C / _46B logs warning during upgrade
409442XPRA RCCUVLXP incorrect variant table content III
377496IS-OIL / IS-MINE : Upgrade 4.6C Support Release 1
388803XPRA RCCUVLXP incorrect variant table sorting
367174Upgrade IS-M 4.62: Error in RJHXPRA_461_TSPEZ
210699Long runtime during rel.upgrade from 4.02A to 4.03A